We are small and not significant. But for a few people, we mean everything.
AMA HELP Foundation
AMA’s goal is to provide financial support to economically disadvantaged, motivated young people between the ages of eight and 15 worldwide in order to give them access to further education and training in their own country and community. This gives them a chance for their future to achieve their professional goals and ultimately their dreams.
Glimmer of hope
with security
Image: Istock, hadynyah
“To experience how easy it is to give a talented destitute child a real perspective he or she would otherwise never have is simply indescribable.”
Harry Imhof
AMA promises its patrons and network partners to give people hope with their help. This long-term support gives hope to the children and young people and a very good feeling to all involved. AMA informs the patrons annually about the concrete result of their commitment.
Harry Imhof
Founder AMA HELP Foundation
Hanspeter Bär
Founder AMA HELP Foundation
Which children or adolescents are sponsored?
The AMA HELP Foundation has a network of AMA country representatives worldwide. These identify destitute families and from them suitable children and young people personally on site. The selection process follows AMA guidelines, is reviewed and decided upon by the AMA team, and then the AMA benefactor is assigned.
The parents and children are unaware of the sponsorship opportunity until the selection is made. After the selection decision, an informational meeting is held with the parents by AMA on site and the budget plan for the youth’s targeted school support for the first year is created and funding is organized.
“An investment in knowledge still yields the best interest.”
Benjamin Franklin
AMA guarantees the funding needed for targeted school support to give a destitute youth, regardless of gender, skin color, religion & family situation, a sustainable and long-term perspective to achieve his professional goals and dreams.
“Equality of opportunity is not that everyone gets to pick an apple, but that the dwarf gets a ladder.”
Reinhard Turre
AMA, with the help of its network partners and patrons, promises to provide “ladders” so that destitute motivated youth can have a chance to get their hands on the apples as well.
Images: Istock, hadynyah (above), privat, (below)
Our country representatives
Unsere Länderbeauftragten sind integere und gebildete Menschen, die wir seid Jahren persönlich kennen und von uns handselektiert sind. Alle arbeiten ehrenamtlich. Niemand hat einen Vorteil davon, ein bestimmtes Kind zu empfehlen.
Der Auswahlprozess erfolgt nach den AMA-Richtlinien, wird im AMA-Team geprüft und entschieden und danach der AMA-Sponsor zugeteilt.
«Bildung ist nicht Wissen, sondern Interesse am Wissen.»
Hans Margolius
Sri Lanka
Bilder: Privat
The story of Ama
It all started in a small village in Sri Lanka (at the beginning of nothing and at the end of nowhere). In the course of a rice distribution to poor families, we became aware of a girl named Ama. She stood out because she was very inquisitive about what was going on. During the conversation she told us about her dreams and that she wanted to become a doctor when she grows up. Her biggest wish was to get a laptop so that she could continue her education. But unfortunately this was not possible because her family was very poor.
Back in Europe we heard about the story and decided to support this motivated and destitute girl financially, so that she can realize her dream. We sent her a laptop, organized a modem and internet access for her and asked her to tell us how much she needs financially each year to be able to reach university. Together with her parents, she prepared a concrete annual budget plan detailing what she would need for this.
Since then, we have been transferring the required money annually according to the budget plan (up to CHF 2.000 per year). In the meantime, Ama is 15 years old and has developed wonderfully in school thanks to the support and is now about to take the exam to the university in Colombo, which she will pass. Ama has informed her supporters annually by mail about her progress and it is simply enriching and touching to be able to witness what this support means and does for her life.
How the support works
- AMA is looking for wealthy individuals in its network who would like to support the targeted advancement of young people and are willing to financially support and accompany one boy or girl each year in their academic and personal development. erstützen und zu begleiten.
- The sponsor receives an annual report on the goals achieved by the young person as well as the budget plan for the following year of the newly required annual financial needs.
- Furthermore, they will also receive a rough annual overview of the expenditures made, so that the sponsor can see how exactly his/her money was used to support the young person.
- The agreed annual Ama patronage amount is paid directly into the AMA account after approval by the patron or, if possible, also paid out directly to the young person/parent.
AMA HELP is a non-profit organization. All employees help voluntarily to build up the organization and to make connections. It is all about the cause for us. 100% of the patrons’ contributions are used for the targeted support of your young people. There is no deduction of any administrative fees or other costs.
Direkt spenden
Sie möchten die Arbeit der AMA HELP Foundation mit einer Spende unterstützen? Wir kümmern uns neben der Förderung der Heranwachsenden auch um sonstige Rahmenbedingungen wie zum Beispiel die Bereitstellung von Betten, um einen erholsamen Schlaf zu fördern und damit die Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
Im weiteren unterstützt AMA die Familien vor Ort mit Schüler Lunchboxen und Familien-Monats-Essenspaketen.
Auch hier gilt: 100 % kommen direkt an, da wir ehrenamtlich arbeiten und auch keine Verwaltungskosten in Anrechnung bringen.
Donate directly
Would you like to support the work of the AMA HELP Foundation directly with a donation instead of a sponsorship? In addition to supporting the adolescents, we also take care of other basic conditions, such as providing beds to promote restful sleep and thus increase performance.
AMA also supports local families with lunch boxes for school and monthly family food packages.
Here, too, 100% goes directly to the children, as we work on a voluntary basis and do not charge any administrative costs.
Monthly meal packages
With a contribution of CHF 100, four families receive 4×25 kg = 100 kg of food parcels for one month.
Mit einem Betrag von CHF 50.– erhalten 20 Schüler und Schülerinnen je ein Mittagessen.
Mit einem Betrag von CHF 100.– erhalten vier Familien ein 100 kg Essenspaket für einen Monat.
With a contribution of CHF 200 a family receives a bed with mattress, pillow and covers.
You will receive information on taking on an Ama sponsorship by e-mail.
Ein Betrag von CHF 200.– ermöglicht einer Familie ein Bett mit Matratze, Kissen und Bezügen.
Informationen zur Übernahme einer Ama Jugend Patenschaft erhalten Sie per E-Mail.
Donate with PayPal:
AMA donations account
Hauptstrasse 37
Postfach 2069
CH 8280 Kreuzlingen
Acount holder: Harry Imhof (AMA)
Account Number: 0217 00820194.M1K
IBAN: CH8700217217820194M1K